The Curriculum by Subject
You can view our curriculum below by subject. If you would like to find out more information about our curriculum please contact the school office by telephone 02476 383807 or by email on
- Genre Coverage
- Grammar and Punctuation Routeway
- Grammar Terminology Table
- Reading and Writing Intent Implementation and Impact
- Reading Long Term Plan
- Spelling Routeway
- Writing Exciting Sentences Progression
- Writing Long Term Plan
- Writing Progression through Genres
- Calculation Policy
- Mathematics Intent Implementation and Impact
- Mathematics Long Term Plans
- Times Tables Policy
- Confirmation Preparation Programme
- RE Long Term Plan
- RE Long Term Plan Detail
- RE Medium Term Plan
- Reconciliation And First Holy Communion Preparation Programme
Learning and Growing as the People of God
- Progression through Strands in Science
- Science Intent Implementation and Impact
- Science Long Term Plan
- Science Medium Term Plan
- Geography and History Long term Plan
- History Intent Implementation and Impact
- History Medium Term plan
- History Timeline
- Mapping of Substantive Concepts in History
- Progression through Disciplinary Concepts in History
- Progression through Historical Enquiry Strands in History
- The Relationship of Different Kinds of Knowledge in History
- Geography and History Long term Plan
- Geography Intent Implementation and Impact
- Geography Medium Term plan
- Progression through Strands in Geography
- PE Intent Implementation and Impact
- PE Long Term Plan
- PE Medium Term Plan
- Progression Through Strands in PE
Design and Technology
- Design Technology Medium Term plan
- Design and Technology Intent Implementation and Impact
- Design and Technology Long Term Plan
- Progression through Strands in Design and Technology
- Art Intent Implementation and Impact
- Art Long Term Plan
- Art Medium Term plan
- Progression through Strands in Art
- Whole school Art Focus
- Music Genre Long Term Plan
- Music Intent Implementation and impact
- Music Long Term plan
- Progression through Strands in Music
- Computing Intent Implementation and Impact
- Computing Long Term Plan
- Computing Long Term Plan Detail
- Online Safety Long Term Plan
- KS1 Mental Health and Wellbeing Curriculum Long Term Plan
- KS2 Mental Health and Wellbeing Curriculum Long Term plan
- Protective Behaviours
- PSHE Programme
- RSE Long Term Plan